Charity Work
There are many very worthwhile charities needing help and support and, as a responsible company, over the years we have offered financial support to many different organisations.
We have now made the decision to concentrate all of our efforts on supporting Chaddy Mission School located in the Mwariki slum district of Nakuru, Kenya.
This is a free school providing a feeding program and education for underprivileged children, whose families can not afford to send their children to school, or feed them regularly.
These children have incredibly difficult home lives, food is very hard to come by and they are often left to fend for themselves on the streets.
Many are orphans, in some cases their mothers have been forced to turn to prostitution and many are suffering from HIV / AIDS.
The School is run by an amazing man, Pastor Geoffrey Mbugua and his wife Eunice. In conjunction with 10 teachers, they feed and educate over 280 children on a site of barely a quarter of an acre.
Our staff are regular visitors to Chaddy Mission, helping with construction of new classrooms and teaching the children. The long term goal is to enable the school to become self sufficient.
Through our support over the years, Chaddy Mission School have managed to build a new hall, several new classrooms, purchase of new books, chairs and tables, support them with their feeding program and much more. We are proud to have made such an impact to this wonderful charity and hope to support them for as long as they need.
Any additional financial support is always very much appreciated.