Landlords’ Gas Safety
We specialise in providing a first class service to both Landlords and tenants to ensure the safe working of all gas appliances and pipework in rental properties.
Many of the large letting and estate agents plus individual private landlords with porfolios from 1 to several hundred properties, choose to use our services. We also offer repair work for plumbing, heating, raditators, etc.
We maintain a computerised database record of all properties we work in and send out a postal reminder to Landlords, prior to the service due date.
For existing, regular customers we offer emergency 24 hour 365 day cover.
What are my responsibilities relating to gas safety as a landlord?
As a landlord, you are responsible for the safe operation of all gas appliances and pipework in your rental property. In order to achieve this, we recommend that all gas appliances in the property are serviced annually and the pipework is tested for soundness. This information is then recorded on a ‘Landlords’ Gas Safety Certificate’, this is a three-part document, one copy to Landlord, one to tenant and one to be retained by ourselves.
The typical cost for this, for a property with a single condensing gas boiler would be £95 for service, £30 for the Landlords’ Report, so a total of £125 inc. VAT.
We also offer a free key holding service for existing customers, so if you are away from the area and entry to your property is required by another trade person, a key can be collected from us 6 days a week.
In addition, please note, we can undertake the required gas safety checks if your tenant changes within the year. We can arrange to issue an interim Gas Safety Certificate which will cover the premises until the servicing is due. The cost to undertake this work is £90 inc. VAT regardless of the number of appliances.